
来源:今日头条        发布时间:2019-06-18    








  Liujinming, pen name ink stone, was born in April 1948. Male, Han nationality, native of Inner Mongolia, is now Baoding, Hebei. Since childhood, he has loved art and studied under the famous painters Baiming and Li Duzhi. He went to Inner Mongolia in the early days of the Cultural Revolution. He returned to the city as a national teacher for six years and later studied Shanghai Dongfang Art College. He graduated from the first Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Correspondence University, and was a good teacher and friend of Guangjiao. He was not in school art teacher.








  He is currently a member of the Hebei Artists Association and a member of the China National Painting Association. He was hired as a special artist for the State Council. The vice chairman of the China Business Arts and Art Association, and the best partner of the CCTV Variety column, has participated in various exhibitions in provinces and cities throughout the country since the 1980s. The competition has won more than 50 gold and silver awards. The Chinese painting is based on the Northwest style. As a feature, works and biography have been included in several collections. Awarded by relevant departments, "20th Century Silver Award Artists", "Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Baijie", "2010 moved Chinese art figures", "the most collectible painter", "Deyi Shuangxin painter" and many other honorary titles, known by many media, Leading figures in the group of Chinese folk painters.







































































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